Self-Enquiry Dyads

Self-Enquiry Enlightenment Intensive and Awareness Intensive Meetups

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An Invitation

You are invited to come to a monthly series on Zoom.

Each gathering combines two parts:

A presentation by an Osho Awareness Intensive Leader or by an Enlightenment Intensive Master (usually 40 minutes).

Two optional “Dyad” sessions (45 minutes each) where participants deepen their awareness and understanding of themselves, of life, of love, and of others.

The gatherings are free of charge.

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A Request for Support

We intend to continue offering these gatherings free of charge and would like some help to cover costs. If that is something you feel moved to help with, please see our Donate page. Thank you!

For New People without Experience of Self-enquiry Dyads

As a new person, you are warmly invited to attend all the presentations which occur at the beginning of each monthly event. To participate in dyads in breakout rooms (the second part of each event), it will be necessary for you to be introduced to the particular dyad technique we use. There is an opportunity for this during the first dyad period so that you may then, if you wish, join the second dyad practice with another participant. For more information and an explanation of terms used, see ‘New to Dyads?’

With special thanks to Osha Reader, Lawrence Noyes, and Grace Honore for their support and suggestions. Dedicated to Murray Kennedy and Edrid for their inspiration and personal guidance. Dedicated to Osho. 

If you have any queries, please email us at 

The Presentations

Each month an Awareness Intensive Leader from the Osho communities or an Enlightenment Intensive Master will present an informative and inspiring talk about various aspects of these intensives and of the dyad process.

Awareness Intensive (AI)” is the name used in Osho communities; the process is the same as in other communities where they use the name “Enlightenment Intensive (EI)”.

Each monthly presentation will include the unique, and often inspiring, personal experiences of the presenter.

There are many benefits of these intensives, especially how they are an opportunity for you to discover and “directly experience” the truth of who and what you actually are, of what life is, of what love is, and of what others are.

This process is suitable for every sincere seeker of truth in their lives, regardless of religious or spiritual orientation. Care is taken so that no belief system is introduced or taught. Only a method is provided to facilitate effective and satisfying personal enquiry and experience.

Previous Presenters

These monthly gatherings started in April 2022,  So far we’ve had presentations by Edrid (a student of Charles Berner, the creator of Enlightenment Intensives); Murray Kennedy leading a tribute to Jeff Love; Lawrence Noyes, Ganga and Garimo, Simone Anliker from Global Dyads, Zen Reverend Pitaka Christie Close, Forest Dalton, founder of the Love Intensive, Avikal Costantino, Colleen Santini, Smaran Stockard, Bill Savoie, Osha Reader, Russell Scott, Emma and Barry McGuinness, Murray Kennedy, Yoah Wexler, Doug Seeley, John Heron, Emir Salihovic, Paul Weiss, Grace Honore, Jake Chapman, Shivam O'Brien, Lila Paradigm group and Joseph Rubano.

Event Dates and Times

All events in this Zoom series occur on the first Wednesday of each month.

Events begin at:

  • 8pm Central European time
  • 7pm London time
  • 2pm in Eastern USA/Canada  
  • 11am Pacific Time  

Privacy: If you would like to remain anonymous on the Zoom call, please see Privacy on Zoom.

Next Presentation in this Series

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - presenter Jake Chapman

Jake was educated as a physicist at Cambridge in the 1960s. He had a successful academic career. He pioneered the fields of embodied energy analysis and energy ratings for dwellings. He was Professor of Energy Systems at the Open University from 1978 and taught systems thinking to public sector leaders from 2002 until 2012. He started a successful energy efficiency business in 1983 that was finally sold in 2010.

A personal crisis led to Jake taking his first EI with Jeff Love in London in 1980. The experience he had banished the worthlessness that had plagued his life. The next year he participated in Satyavati’s two-week in England, and the year after in her six-week in California. On that six-week Jake had several experiences and a major kundalini release that transformed his life. 

Jake and his wife, Eva, ran more than 60 EIs, 5 Master’s training courses and a similar number of Monitor training courses. Jake Mastered ten 2-week Intensives and one six-week Intensive. He wrote the manual for EI Masters wishing to run long Intensives.

Jake's presentation

Although the experiences and insights people gain on EIs have the potential to transform their lives, the glow usually wears off and the difficulties of integrating experiences into everyday life can be formidable. Jake will describe  ways of addressing these issues, both in terms of adding integration days to Intensives and how to make real changes in one’s life.  He will also allocate time to answering questions people may have as a result of the previous talk, or as a result of browsing the website

You may also be interested in Jake’s earlier website


The presentation will be followed by two dyad sessions.

Join the Zoom Call

A few minutes before the event start time (we have music playing 15 minutes before the start), click the link below:

Meeting ID: 839 7986 7311

Passcode: 768440

Future Presentations

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - presenter Satyen Raja

I’ve had the honor of being trained by Lawrence Noyes and Anjali Hill.

Over the years, I’ve been involved in and led more than 70 Intensives, supporting over 8,000 participants.

This sacred work has been a pillar in my life and it’s been a passion to hold space where individuals can intend to awaken to who they truly are.

Satyen's Presentation

I will share about my journey and some key points about what I’ve learned taking the work to wider audiences.

Gratitude and Blessings 



Some Appreciation

"Thank you so much for this!

I'm training to be a Master and all this early history helps me learn more about the nature of the intensive.

Warmly, MM, US"